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Saturday, July 18, 2015. Little Worlds Alchemy by Melanie Dorson. As a printmaker, I am oriented in my artwork toward the surprising, the transformative and the accidental. My most recent prints and zines chart the course of explorers pursuing that which is hidden, secret and forever just out of reach. Friday, March 6, 2015. Tuesday, December 23, 2014.
Octopus Genome Sequenced For the First Time. That news is going viral. The original discovery was published in Nature. Where scientists have found that octopuses possess an unusually large genome.
Miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009. Atractivos turisticos y un poco de sus cualidades. La gente de esta región se caracteriza por ser espontánea, alegre, amante de la música y del baile. En la música que caracteriza la región Caribe se siente de alguna forma la influencia de los ritmos africanos. Los ritmos musicales más conocidos son La Cumbia, que identifica a Colombia a nivel mundial, el Mapale, el Porro, el Vallenato y el Merecumbé.
За нуждите на фармацията и медицината. Детаили за ВИК от INOX. Изделия от INOX - за хранителновкусовата промишленост. Селско стопанска, земекопна и пътностроителна техника. Изделия от черни стомани - табла, шкафове. Машинна обработка на стругове, фрези, шлайф машини и др. Заваряване на черни и цветни метали. CNC Система за плазмено рязане.